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Monster audit of DollHouse168 158cm Large Breast

Musabi fell in adoration with his new baby, a DollHouse168 158cm Enormous Bosom: Tsukiumi.

I need to say thanks to him for entrusting us here his assessment and pictures. All this is obviously very informative!

As I was looking for a doll, I took a gander at Realdoll, BTdolls, WMDolls, and dollhouse168 wound up being my decision. Realdoll and their sister organization BTDolls were simply excessively costly for a first time frame doll buy, as I would see it. The WMDoll that I’d seen publicized all over the place (the light one on youtube that has a comparative body to the 158cm BB they shower with water while the boobs bob) I felt that the body was decent, however the face was not to my own liking.

What truly secured my choice (other than the delicate included, sensible looking countenances that dollhouse168 planned/make) was the video they delivered showing the manufacturing plant. It was ideal to see individuals working at stations, wearing organization regalia, and so forth It just gave it an expert look. {… }


So, when I got the doll, I was satisfied with the bundling. It was basically perfect. After opening it, everything was pleasantly stuffed and contained in decent bags.

Weight of the doll

The first thing I saw that I didn’t expect was the heaviness of the doll. This doll is significantly heavier than I envisioned it would be. Additionally, since it’s new, the joints are hard to move cheap silicone sex dolls present. The solid joints are something worth being thankful for, as I envision with wear they will get free. Anyway the weight was a major surprise.

The breasts

Firstly, the doll resembles a created like a show-stopper. The bosoms on the 158cm are empty and exceptionally “fun”. They are firmer than I suspected they would be, however the size and shape compensate for it.


The faces

The faces have stunning subtlety – the eyebrows, while not “punched strands” look unbelievably practical. Each head was wrapped up with froth and inside a material pack, and it was with a ton of expectation (and a sharp, cautious blade) that I at long last got them unwrapped.


The just things I will say that are baffling about the doll are:

1. The legs. I like all the more shapely, athletic legs. The 158cm BB doll has incredibly, thin legs. In the event that this issue to you however much it does to me, I recommend the 161cm doll. The bosoms to hip proportion was the main consideration for me since I was attempting to make it look however much as an anime character as could be expected, yet essentially the 161cm BB doll has precisely the same bosom size and appears to have significantly more shapely legs.

2. The hips. Its absolutely impossible around it. The midriff/hip proportion is outrageous. It glances extraordinary in photographs, since it is outrageous and the camera likes limits. In any case, it simply glances abnormal face to face, IMHO. I read some place that this “scooping” out of the abdomen was to lessen the weight, and that makes sense.

3. This specific issue isn’t actually an issue for me, as I didn’t accepting this doll for use as a sex doll, however I’m offering the remark since I need to make a reasonable appraisal. The openings are tiny. I’m not entirely certain if lifelike male sex doll that is a terrible or something worth being thankful for. I have not had intercourse with the doll, so I couldn’t say whether it works to the advantage.


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